Best Gag Christmas Gift Ever: Ralphie's Pink Bunny Suit

Fans of that holiday classic A Christmas Story might just die laughing when they find this under the tree for them this Christmas. Who can forget poor Ralphie and his utter humiliation upon receiving a home-made pink bunny suit from his well-meaning Aunt Clara?
Now, the only question left is: will your parents' reaction be, "That is the most precious thing I've ever seen in my life," or will only the words pink nightmare come to mind? Note: this gag gift doubles as a really cozy full-footed pajama set.
Pick up this Ralphie-inspired pink bunny suit to wear when you give out Christmas gifts or to give to an unsuspecting Christmas Story fan. It makes a great White Elephant gift idea for a family with a great sense of humor and a big gift exchange budget.