100% Cute Easter Bunny Baby Costume

Easter Bunny outfits for adults tend toward the creepy, but baby costumes for Easter are another story! This cute pink bunny outfit for infants is a great example. Everyone will love your adorable little Easter Bunny and no one will have to suffer through sitting on a creepy lap for your photo session.
This is a darling zippered bodysuit. There is an attached fluffy bunny tail. This outfit comes with openings at the ankle so your baby can wear his or her own favorite socks or booties -- pink or white will match well. The attached hood with floppy bunny ears.
Adorable holiday baby outfits like this bunny suit are a fun way to make your Easter photo session extra memorable -- and super cute! Add some colorful eggs, a plush carrot, and a darling spring-colored basket and you'll have all the props you need. Easter will be celebrated on Sunday, April 9, 2023. Pick up this holiday baby costume today to be ready when it's time for the Easter Bunny to hop on over!